
The Notre Dame Student Government works to amplify student voices and enact change at the University. Follow the links below to learn more about the departments within Student Government and the mission of the organization. 


Student Government's Mission

Student Government is an active organization with a mission to be a force for progress at Notre Dame

Executive Cabinet

The Executive Cabinet works to advance the agenda of the Student Body President and Vice-President in an effort to protect the interests of students in all areas of university life


The Student Senate is the legislative body of the Student Union whereby representatives from each dorm come together to discuss issues.

Student Union Board

Student Union Board (SUB) enhances student life by providing undergraduate student services and social, intellectual, and cultural programming.

Hall Presidents Council

The Hall Presidents Council (HPC) coordinates programming among the undergraduate residence halls and discuss matters of residential life.

Club Coordination Council

The Club Coordination Council (CCC) serves as a representative of all undergraduate clubs and coordinates cohesive club programming.

Judicial Council

The Judicial Council works to ensure that the Student Union operates ethically and provides peer advocacy resources to students during the University Conduct Process.

Class Councils

The Class Councils promote the wellbeing of their respective classes by sponsoring functions that promote unity among class members.

Off-Campus Council

The Off-Campus Council represents the voice of the undergraduate students who reside off-campus.

Financial Management Board (FMB)

The Financial Management Board (FMB) is responsible for the creation and maintenance of a budget for the Student union.