April Service Opportunities

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Michiana: Big Balloon Build Event

Saturday, April 27 & Sunday, April 28; 20+ minute drive away

Come one, Come all to the fully immersive carnival experience curated from over 125,000 biodegradable balloons! We are bringing the joy of balloons with a gala, food trucks, music, a family day with a petting zoo, and memories to last a lifetime- all in support of Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Michiana. We need volunteers to help as parking attendants, way finders, ticket scanners, carnival game attendants, and so much more!

Additional Details: 1-2 hour or 3-4 hour time committment; We would love to have fluent Spanish-speaking volunteers to help! 

Issue Areas: Education, Environment, Youth Services, Medical, Animal Protection, Government, Disability Services, Mental Health/Addiction, Immigration, Art and Music

Contact: Jama Brookmyer-Graber (events@rmhcmichiana.org/ 574-647-5897); volunteer link will be live a the beginning of February