Progress Tracker

Please Note: The initiatives listed on this tracker are not an exhaustive list, rather they represent the events and initiatives we intend to accomplish but may be subject to change.



National Affairs and Political Engagement Disability Advocacy Title IX and Women's Initiatives Student Life
FUEL LGBTQ+ Sustainablity Community Outreach
Health and Wellness Academic Affairs Faith Race and Ethnicity
South Bend Engagement First-Gen Low-Income Campus Technology University Policy
International Engagement and Outreach      

Department of National Affairs & Political Engagement

Department Director: Jack Onderdonk


Voter Awareness Week:

Series of week-long programming before the election to educate students on participating in the democratic process through voter registration drives, absentee/mail-in ballot workshops, and providing spaces for political clubs and policy groups on campus to promote their platforms.

Status: Not Complete

Presidential Candidate Election Forum:

Host a non-partisan discussion on the 2024 election, promoting peaceful civic dialogue and bringing together different perspectives to minimize the effects of political polarization on campus.

Status: Not Complete

Civic Engagement Week:

Promote the advancement of democratic values on campus through events that enhance participation in the political process and informative sessions on international and local politics.

Status: Not Complete

Expand the Campus Political Council:

Transition to bi-weekly sessions that bring delegates together from political clubs on campus for discussions and games, symbolizing the importance of looking at others beyond their political preferences.

Status: Not Complete

International Elections Engagement:

Conscious of various elections across the globe over the next year, work to provide international students with the resources needed to participate in their election systems.

Status: Not Complete

Department of Diversity & Inclusion: Disability Advocacy

Department Director: Bryn Dougherty


Welcome Weekend Tabling:

Distribute resources offered by Notre Dame to first-year students to enhance students’ knowledge about accessibility resources on campus.

Status: Not Complete

Round Table Discussions:

Invite students, professors, and Sara Bea faculty to have an open discussion about disability advocacy on campus. 

Status: Not Complete

Inclement Weather Accessibility Ride Service:

Continue the efforts of Student Government in working with Sara Bea to develop a ride service to assist students with physical disabilities who may have a difficult time traveling to class in harsh weather conditions.

Status: Not Complete

Disability Studies Minor:

Create a minor composed of the already existing disability studies classes there can be a standardized way to learn more about disability advocacy at Notre Dame.

Status: Not Complete

Audio Enhancements in Classes:

Collaborate with the Office of Academic Affairs to increase the use of microphones in larger classrooms across Notre Dame to increase accessibility for students who are hard of hearing or have auditory processing disorders.

Status: In Progress

Disability Awareness Month Social Media Campaign:

Bring awareness to both visible and invisible disabilities through a month-long Social Media Campaign.

Status: Not Complete

Disability Awareness Month Tabling:

Bring awareness to visible and invisible disabilities through a tabling event during Disability Awareness Month.

Status: Not Complete

Department of Gender Relations: Title IX & Women's Initiatives

Department Director: Lena Dougherty


St. Andre’s Committee Presentations:

Present to St. Andre’s committees on the Red Zone, sexual assault prevention, and resources to utilize if assaults do occur. The hope is to have committee members well aware of campus and community resources so they are equipped to help their incoming first-year students during Welcome Weekend and beyond.

Status: Complete

Sexual Violence Awareness Month Programming:

Bringing Sexual Assault Awareness to Notre Dame via tabling, Sweets for Survivors, solidarity card signing, and recognizing Denim Day.

Status: Complete

Women's History Month Programming:

Hosting Women-Owned Business Market, including the addition of an online component to the market and launch Women’s History Month Reflection Series to celebrate women in our community.

Status: Not Complete

Red Zone Awareness Week:

Bring Red Zone Awareness to Notre Dame via tabling, residence hall pledges, and Wear Red Day.

Status: Not Complete

Hall Council Sexual Assault Prevention Presentations:

Present to hall councils on the sexual assault prevention resources during the Red Zone so residents are aware of the resources available to them.

Status: Not Complete

Gender Equity Event Guide:

Create a comprehensive guide for Hall Presidents and Vice Presidents to follow as they plan and execute gender relations events in their residence halls.

Status: Not Complete

Family, Parenting, and Pregnancy Resources:

Build off of the pregnancy resources released last term, we plan to collaborate with the Family Resource Center to ensure pregnant, parenting, and married students have resources available to them to succeed at Notre Dame. 

Status: Not Complete

Men Against Violence Campaign:

Collaborate with the Office of Institutional Equity to form a campaign with well-known male figures on campus as a call to action against violence on campus and beyond.

Status: Not Complete

Title IX Regulations:

Now that the Biden Administration has released the updated Title IX Regulations, we will work with the Office of Institutional Equity to review and implement the regulations to best support our Notre Dame community.

Status: Not Complete

Title IX Forum:

Following the implementation of the Title IX Regulations, we will hold a tri-campus forum with OIE administrators to explain the updates and answer student questions.

Status: Not Complete

Establishing Loyal Daughters Lecture:

In collaboration with the University Committee on Women Faculty and Students, a student-nominated female faculty member will give a lecture on the subject of her choosing, followed by a reception. 

Status: Not Complete

Re-establishing Notre Dame’s membership with the American Association of University Women:

Work with AAUW of South Bend and campus administrators to renew the partnership between Notre Dame and the AAUW, allowing female faculty and students to engage with and benefit from the AAUW network.

Status: Complete

Department of Student Life

Department Co-Directors: Danielle Arno and Mason McCart

Contact: and

CC X StuGov Field Day:

Work alongside the First Year, Sophomore, Junior, & Senior Class Councils to co-sponsor an end-of-year Field day, spearheading the catered food provided at the event.

Status: Complete

Flick on the Field:

Partner with the Student Union Board and Student Affairs to coordinate programming, food trucks, s’mores, and more for the annual Flick on the Field showing of “Rudy” to kick off the fall semester.

Status: In Progress

Campus Dining Improvements:

Collaborate with Campus Dining to have community tables, seasoning stations, and improve the Grab & Go equity and offerings for students.

Status: In Progress

Continue Food Committee Meetings:

Increase student dialogue with Campus Dining by organizing frequent meetings between Student Life department members and the Campus Dining staff to further the dining wants and needs of the entire student body.

Status: In Progress

Ice Skate Night:

Organize a free skate night in the Compton Ice Arena for the student body before winter break.

Status: Not Complete

Notre Dame Employee Appreciation:

Recognize the dedication and hard work of employees at Notre Dame who often go unseen, such as groundspeople, snow plowers, janitors, and more, through tabling, gratitude banners, thank you cards and gifts, and a social media campaign.

Status: Not Complete

Department of First Undergraduate Experience in Leadership (FUEL)

Co-Directors: Alex Neff and Ben Martin

Contact: and

Assemble the 2024 - 2025 FUEL Cohort:

Select a group of twenty to twenty five students to participate in the yearlong FUEL program through an application and interview process.

Status: Not Complete

Assist FUELers in Understanding Student Union Through Presentations and Meetings:

Invite Student Union leaders to speak about their responsibilities and experiences within Notre Dame. Additionally, we will provide personal networking opportunities for FUELers to enhance relationships with student leaders.

Status: Not Complete

Involve FUELers with Executive Cabinet Department Work:

Pair each first year with a department and department director to gain hands-on experience in the work of the Executive Cabinet. Follow-ups will occur throughout the year to ensure full participation.

Status: Not Complete

Develop FUEL Subcommittees:

Create subcommittees based on individual interests. Each group will be responsible for hosting an event or an equivalent project by the end of the year to gain hands-on experience with the Student Union.

Status: Not Complete

Provide FUELers Public Service Opportunities:

FUELers will be given opportunities to engage in community service throughout the year to engage first-year students with the South Bend community.

Status: Not Complete

Enhance Professional Development of FUELers:

Hold at least two sessions on resume building, LinkedIn development, networking, and other professional development skills throughout the year. Additionally, we hope to provide opportunities for students to connect with career advising faculty or other relevant personnel to assist in preliminary career discernment.

Status: Not Complete

Require GreenDot, MiND Training, UnDocuAlly Trainings:

FUELers will be required to attend group GreenDot, UnDocuAlly, and MiND training throughout the year. These are general expectations for all members of Student Government to create a safer and more inclusive campus environment for all students.

Status: Not Complete

Guide Post-FUEL Planning:

Building from the previous administration, FUELers will be required to reach out to two potential campus leaders or mentors to assess possible leadership roles after their time in FUEL comes to a close.

Status: Not Complete

Department of Gender Relations: LGBTQ+ Advocacy

Department Director: Bode Menegay


LGBTQ+ Focused Study Abroad Guide:

Craft a comprehensive guide to support LGBTQ+ students during their time abroad. This resource will highlight inclusive destinations and equip students to handle uncomfortable situations like harassment and hate crimes, ensuring their safety and well-being. All essential information will be condensed into a university-sponsored infographic for easy access and reference.

Status: In Progress

Academic Enrichment in Course Offerings:

Enhance academic enrichment for marginalized communities, we're expanding course offerings to prioritize inclusion. Specific classes and programs recognizing the importance of minority groups in the curriculum will be clearly marked on NOVO and PATH Class Search platforms in order to ensure transparency for inclusive courses.

Status: Not Complete

Increase Partnerships with On-Campus Clubs and Community Organizations:

Partner with campus groups to improve inclusivity and advocacy on campus, collaborating on PrideFest and more. Through events, tabling, and communication, we'll boost supportive resources campus-wide. Our aim is to collectively highlight the alignment between acceptance and Notre Dame's Catholic mission.

Status: Not Complete


Host our signature PrideFest in the Spring to support LGBTQ+ students and their campus presence. Our programming advocates for every student's right to feel safe, welcomed, and loved. To foster inclusivity, we're expanding PrideFest events to embrace both LGBTQ+ community members and allies.

Status: Not Complete

Department of Sustainability

Department Director: Bennett Schmitt


Expand Green Move-Out & Move-In Practices:

Reduce the amount of landfill-destined waste during move-out and move-in by providing additional recycling and donation streams for furniture, appliances, clothing, and school supplies.

Status: In Progress

Sustainability Cup:

Provide students with the opportunity to engage in environmentally friendly initiatives through a sustainability-focused dorm competition. We plan to increase student awareness and participation in sustainable practices by showing students what sustainability can look like within and beyond campus.

Status: In Progress

Enhance Recycling in Athletics Facilities:

Expand recycling opportunities in athletics facilities by increasing the number of recycling bins available in work-out and training spaces.

Status: Not Complete

Tackle Waste - Improve Recycling on Football Game Days:

Enhance informational resources regarding recycling leading up to and on game days to minimize the amount of recyclable waste sent to landfills. Work with Notre Dame Sustainability and University Operations to increase the number of recycling bins in the parking lots and distribute recycling bags to all tailgates.

Status: In Progress

Sustainability & You:

Launch a “Sustainability & You” initiative that educates students on how to be sustainable in their daily routines via speaker events, eco-focused challenges, and a multimedia campaign.

Status: Not Complete

Reduce Food and Material Waste in Campus Restaurants:

Work with Campus Dining to implement a system in campus restaurants for surplus food to be diverted from landfills and sold to students at reduced prices. Transition to more sustainable to-go packaging and expand “refill” opportunities by bringing personal containers to campus restaurants.

Status: Not Complete

Reuse and Repurpose Clothing:

Decrease textile waste by providing opportunities for students to donate or swap items they are no longer using, as well as offering workshops on mending and upcycling clothing.

Status: Not Complete

Department of Community Outreach

Department Director: Sakura Yamanaka


Volunteer Database:

Build upon the new Volunteer Database by adding features such as filters, an opt-in Google Calendar, and a map of the locations of local community service organizations. Additionally, work to streamline the process of community partners and campus service clubs submitting events to the database. This will be done in collaboration with the Department of Campus Technology

Status: In Progress

Getting Into South Bend Campaign:

Host an event that increases awareness of the new road between downtown South Bend and Notre Dame, encouraging students to explore outside campus and engage with the South Bend Community. This will be done in collaboration with the Department of South Bend Engagement.

Status: Not Complete

Back the Bend:

Host this annual University Day of Service, during which Notre Dame students can engage in meaningful service and solidarity with the South Bend community through projects with local community organizations.

Status: Not Complete

Bi-Annual Volunteer Fair:

Host a bi-annual volunteer fair at the beginning of each semester to expose students to the many wonderful service opportunities around South Bend. These fairs will serve to aggregate opportunities to serve the local community, connect students with local organizations directly, and ensure awareness throughout the school year.

Status: Not Complete

Donation-Based Service:

Increase impactful donation-based service opportunities, such as clothing and furniture drives, in collaboration with community organizations. Help make service more accessible to students by removing barriers such as transportation and time constraints.

Status: Not Complete

Partnership with Campus Service Clubs, Residence Halls, and Community Organizations:

Increase communication with campus student service clubs, residence halls, and community organizations with the goal of centralizing information to make service and community involvement more accessible and less overwhelming for students.

Status: Not Complete

High School Interns:

Provide an internship opportunity for several local high school students to join the Department of Community Outreach. This will serve as a mentorship and leadership opportunity for the high schoolers and provide the department with local insight and meaningful perspective.

Status: In Progress

Department of Health & Wellness

Department Co-Directors: Tami Alli and Emma Ronck

Contact: and

Wellness Expo:

Host an event in collaboration with UHS, the UCC, and the McDonald Center for Student Well-Being to increase awareness of health and wellness-related resources on campus and how to access these resources and services.

Status: In Progress

De-Stress Events before Midterms/Finals:

Host events aimed toward offering healthy and fun resources to students during exam seasons to boost morale and improve overall wellness.

Status: Not Complete

Steps to Wellness Week:

Co-sponsor a week promoting positive health practices, where each day in the week corresponds to one stage of the University’s Step-Care Model.

Status: Not Complete

St. Liam's Welcome Weekend Tours:

Partner with UHS, UCC, and McDonald Center for Well-Being to host a tour of St Liam’s for incoming first-year students to learn more about on-campus health-related facilities and resources.

Status: In Progress

Recsports Initiatives:

Work with RecSports and Rockne Memorial to improve facilities for students and increase awareness of fitness opportunities.

Status: Not Complete

Caffeine Awareness Event: :

Partner with healthcare professionals to raise awareness of the dangers of high caffeine use among students and offer healthier and safer alternatives.

Status: Not Complete

Self-Love Week:

Partner with McDonald Center for Well-Being to promote a week centered around self-love and mental health where each day there is programming and resources that allows for students to reflect on their own wellbeing and support other students.

Status: Not Complete

St. Liam’s Welcome Weekend Tours:

Partner with McDonald Center for Well-Being to promote a week centered around self-love and mental health. Each day, programming and resources allow students to reflect on their own well-being and support other students.

Status: In Progress

UCC Digital Wait Time Tracker:

Create a website in partnership with the UCC that allows students to gauge wait times more accurately and improves their ability to receive care and counseling.

Status: In Progress

Department of Academic Affairs

Department Director: Jeongwoo Kim


Expansion of Major Exploration Nights:

Host in collaboration with the Center for University Advising (CUA) to help students explore academic opportunities at Notre Dame. The event will expand to include information on minors offered on campus.

Status: Not Complete

Centralized Tutoring Databases:

Collaborate with the Department of Campus Technology to centralize tutoring resources across different colleges, majors, and minors.

Status: In Progress

Student Feedback for Tutoring Programs:

Direct feedback from students will be surveyed and delivered for the efficacy of tutoring programs on campus.

Status: Not Complete

Residential Mentorship Program:

Create an academic mentorship program for each residential hall, where students will be able to find mentors and mentees for guidance.

Status: Not Complete

What I Wish I Knew Panel:

Host student-led events where upperclassmen provide tips and guidance to first-year and sophomore students.

Status: Not Complete

Department of Faith

Department Director: Joshua Johnson


Mass Cards:

Distribute updated and refreshed Mass cards amongst dorms and the Basilica. The aim is to make them smaller so they can fit in a pocket, wallet, or bag easier. This will draw less attention to those who are using this aid at Mass.

Status: In Progress

Sacrament Database:

Create a Dorm Sacrament Database that will contain information about Mass times and confession times accessible to students at any time, anywhere. Expand on the current unofficial, student-run website ( that contains information about Sacraments across the tri-campus community. The official website will also incorporate faith resources at certain Notre Dame Global Gateways: Rome, Jerusalem, London, Dublin, Madrid, Berlin, and Countries in Asia.

Status: Not Complete

Advent Season Outreach:

Organize tabling, a Student Mass, and a Grotto Gathering to help students reconnect with and rekindle their faith in light of the upcoming Christmas Season.

Status: Not Complete

Lenten Season Outreach:

Similar to Advent, host a tabling campaign to inform students about the season of Lent and ways to reconnect with their faith, as well as a Student Mass at the Basilica and a Grotto Gathering before the Easter Season.

Status: Not Complete

Special Social Media Campaigns:

Organize a Faith-Based Black History Social Media Campaign to support the efforts of Walk the Walk Week. Also highlight African-American Saints/Blesseds/Venerables, and other prominent figures of color in the Church.

Status: Not Complete

Interfaith Series:

Create a faith community accessible to all students, regardless of faith tradition or background, through discussion and dialogue. This will be an hour-long Q & A discussion among Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim speakers about similarities across these three faith traditions.

Status: Not Complete

Annual Catholic Speaker Series:

The Catholic Speaker Series invites a prominent, Catholic figure/speaker to Notre Dame to speak to and interact with the student body.

Status: In Progress

Department of Diversity & Inclusion: Race & Ethnicity

Department Director: Kaza-Zack Kazirukanyo


Cultural Relations Week:

Host a week of events and celebrations with a keynote speaker in October that highlights a variety of different backgrounds and seeks to promote multiculturalism, racial awareness, inclusivity, and productive dialogue on campus and nationwide

Status: Not Complete

Walk the Walk Week:

Following the full observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January, collaborate with the Office of the President to host a keynote speaker and a week of events dedicated to making Notre Dame a more inclusive place for people of all backgrounds, reflecting on progress to achieve equality, and facilitating a service project in South Bend.

Status: Not Complete

Wake Up the Echoes: Uplifting Student Stories:

Introduce a dynamic speaker series aimed at amplifying diverse and previously underrepresented voices within the Notre Dame community. Through collaboration with university departments such as MSPS, cultural organizations, and ThinkND, this initiative seeks to empower students to share their authentic narratives and perspectives. Each month, the series will spotlight two students, providing a platform for their stories to resonate across campus and inspire meaningful dialogue and understanding.

Status: In Progress

Improve Incident Reporting Accessibility:

In response to student concerns about the accessibility gap between certain existing resources and students, we are proposing a multimedia campaign to boost awareness of both Speak Up and UndocuAlly Training through collaboration with Student Affairs and the Office of Student Enrichment. In addition, anonymous feedback surveys released towards the beginning of each semester will enable the collection of valuable input from all hall sections.

Status: Not Complete

Department of South Bend Engagement

Department Director: Ethan Chiang


South Bend Monthly Digest:

Provide a monthly source of information about arts and culture, restaurants, and events in the South Bend area. This will be a reliable space for students to learn about local events and highlighted businesses.

Status: In Progress

High School Internship Program:

Select local high school students to serve as interns in the Department of South Bend Engagement. They will provide valuable local insights and perspectives while receiving mentorship and leadership opportunities.

Status: In Progress

South Bend Farmer’s Market:

Host a farmer’s market where students can purchase food, fresh produce, flowers, art, jewelry, and other goods made by local farmers and small businesses in the greater South Bend area.

Status: In Progress

Taste of South Bend:

Organize a display of various local restaurants and vendors to showcase different cultural cuisines and celebrate the diversity of South Bend. Students can walk to different food booths to receive free tastings from each restaurant.

Status: Not Complete

South Bend Coffee Shop:

Host an event to support local coffee businesses, allowing students to taste different roasts from local coffee shops, cafés, and coffee companies in the South Bend area. Students will also be able to purchase books.

Status: In Progress

Promotion of South Bend Restaurant Week:

Promote South Bend’s annual Winter Restaurant Week through Student Government's Instagram and email communication. This will encourage students to learn more about local restaurants and enjoy cheaper prices during the week.

Status: Not Complete

Book Buddies with St. Joe County Public Library:

Host a one-day event with the St. Joe County Public Library where student volunteers from Notre Dame will read, make a craft, and share a snack with children attendees.

Status: In Progress

South Bend City Politics Panel:

Host a panel discussion comprised of local city council members and politicians to speak on issues surrounding civic engagement and local politics. Members of the Notre Dame community are invited to engage in conversation with the panel.

Status: In Progress

Department of Diversity & Inclusion: First Generation Low Income

Department Director: Kacper Szyller


Golden Generation Dinners: 

Work alongside the Transformational Leaders Program (TLP) and Office of Student Enrichment (OSE) to organize one FGLI Dinner per semester. The fall semester dinner will include dinner and dancing, and the spring semester dinner will include dinner and a keynote speaker.

Status: Not Complete

Football 101:

Collaborate with the Student Union Board, OSE, and TLP to create a football information session with the Notre Dame leprechaun and game day goodies for attendants.

Status: Not Complete

Distribution of FGLI Student and Faculty Pins:

During FGLI Week, distribute FGLI pins to all Colleges at Notre Dame and all Scholars Programs to put out in their respective lounges.

Status: Not Complete

Study Abroad Information Night:

Partner with Notre Dame Global to host an informational session on study abroad, including its value and resources to help fund and apply to study abroad.

Status: In Progress

OSE and Financial Aid Informational Session:

Host an OSE/Financial Aid informational session where students learn about the resources OSE and Financial Aid have for Notre Dame students and how to take advantage of them.

Status: In Progress

Summer Mentorship Program for First-Years:

Work with TLP and AnBryce to create a mentorship program for incoming first-years identified as FGLI. Small cohorts of incoming students are assigned mentors who will provide them with information about college coming into Notre Dame and throughout the first year.

Status: Not Complete

Department of Campus Technology & Innovation

Department Director: Evan Arsenault



Collaborate with the Office of Information Technology to develop “ND AI,” a machine learning tool that transforms the ways in which students access information about Notre Dame in an engaging, digestible way.

Status: In Progress

ND Mobile App:

Renvision of the ND Mobile App based on student responses to a university-wide survey.

Status: Not Complete

UCC Wait-Time Tracker:

Finalize the implementation of the UCC Wait-Time Tracker. Collaborate with the Department of Health and Wellness on how to make counseling services more available to students.

Status: In Progress

Tutoring Database:

Work to develop a tutoring database that centralizes all resources available to students across colleges, majors, and minors. The Department of Campus Technology will be collaborating with the Department of Academic Affairs on this project.

Status: In Progress

Sacrament Database:

Develop a Dorm Sacrament Database that will contain information about Mass times and confession times accessible to students at any time. Work in collaboration with the Department of Faith.

Status: Not Complete

Volunteer Database:

Improve the Volunteer Database to cater to student interests and passions. Work in collaboration with the Department of Community Outreach.

Status: In Progress

Department of University Policy

Department Director: Grace DeCroix


Improving Laundry Services:

Revamp the current dorm laundry situation by working with the Office of Residential Life to improve the washer/dryer student ratio and increase the speed of work orders.

Status: In Progress

Using Domer Dollars at Sporting Events:

Work with the Department of University Enterprise and Events to allow students to pay with Domer Dollars and/or Flex Points at any home sporting event.

Status: In Progress

Rockne Memorial Improvements:

Work with Rec Sports to place new orders for gym equipment, ensure that the basketball courts are waxed more often, and increase accessibility resources to prevent the risk of injury to students.

Status: Not Complete

Awareness of the ND Safe App:

Continue the department’s efforts in collaborating with Police Chief Shibata and other campus safety offices to increase awareness of the ND Safe App within the student body.

Status: Not Complete

Standardized Room Pick System:

Create and distribute a survey of the student body and dorm rectors to assess current perceptions of Room Pick systems and determine best practices to minimize student dissatisfaction. Advocate for the implementation of a standardized Room Pick system to bridge disparities between dorms.

Status: Not Complete

Department of International Engagement & Outreach

Department Director: Shahad Al Wuhaili


International 101 Workshops:

Host personal and professional development sessions to help international students navigate the American system, including topics on navigating the American job system, South Bend transportation, American sports and culture, and more.

Status: Not Complete

International Students Dinner in the Fall:

Invite speakers who are international students to inspire and motivate students and foster a community where students feel supported.

Status: Not Complete

Update the International Student Handbook:

Consolidate a list of the unique resources needed to thrive on campus, such as information on academic, financial, and health-related resources.

Status: Not Complete

International Student Career Professional Development Panel:

Empower international students with the knowledge to best apply themselves throughout their academic and professional endeavors by exposing them to international graduate students from different industries who will share how they navigated the recruitment process.

Status: Not Complete

International Student Mentor Pairing Program:

Establish a mentorship program that will facilitate meaningful connections between current and incoming international students to help bolster the international community.

Status: Not Complete

Increase Tutoring Resources for International Students:

Currently, there are no tutoring resources available specifically for international students. Although there is English for Academic Purposes (EAP) tutoring available, some students may prefer a network of other international students for tutoring purposes in their specific areas of study, not necessarily improving English language skills.

Status: In Progress

International Student Showcase:

Host a showcase featuring presentations form various student cultural groups on campus to celebrate the diversity of culture at Notre Dame.

Status: Not Complete