Hall Presidents Council

The Hall Presidents Council (HPC) serves as an information disseminating body, provides a forum for members to discuss common matters of residential life, and coordinates programming among the undergraduate residence halls. HPC promotes the wellbeing of the undergraduate student body by working for the betterment of undergraduate residential life.

Hall Council is each dorm's governmental meetings. The Hall President and Vice-President lead the meeting at which the Hall Senator and any dorm commissioners are required to be present. Typically, Hall Council follows shortly after the weekly Hall Presidents Council meeting, but it is up to the Hall President and the rector as to when and where Hall Council takes place. All members of the dorm community are encouraged to attend

If you have any questions, feel free to visit us in 213 LaFortune, check out our website, or email us at HPC@nd.edu.

Get Involved

Hall Presidents must reside in the dorm for the entirety of their term. Each hall may have up to two Vice-Presidents, in which case each Vice-President must reside in the dorm during the semester when he or she is serving. This is typical among tickets in which students wish to study abroad.

The HPC Co-Chairs are chosen from among the ranks of the outgoing Hall Presidents to serve as the chairpersons for the next year. In addition to chairing HPC meetings, the Co-Chairs attend weekly Senate meetings and Campus Life Council meetings.